A special thank you to Seattle Presbytery for sharing their resources.
For Congregational and/or Session Meetings (using ZOOM):
- Advisory opinion on Church in an Emergency/Pandemic how to proceed with a congregational meeting in such a time as this: English | Spanish.
- Videos on how to hold a meeting as shared by Synod of Mid-America:
- For council leaders/ meeting hosts: https://youtu.be/aya4LpkVyms
- For potential meeting participants: https://youtu.be/y6_bAbRdlnM
- Best Practices: How to Use ZOOM for our Presbytery meeting: English | Spanish .
Bruce Reyes Chow-Zoom worship resources:
Post on some basic best Practices for Zoom Worship
Monday AM (8:00-9:00am) Zoom Laboratory: This is a weekly gathering where colleagues offer and share encouragement and best practices.
Zoom Church Facebook Group: We focus on using zoom in all aspects of church life, about 700 members.
All recordings of the meetings and a few others are on YouTube:
First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto is committed to a completely live service so if folks are interested to see what that looks like here is the recording from our Palm Sunday Service
Zoom for pastors and church leaders, Northwest United Methodist Foundation
“4 Tips for using Zoom and video conference call software to stream your event” by spf.io
Ten easy tips for better Zoom meetings, Stanford Medicine
Live streaming with Facebook Live, TheoTech
How to live stream: a beginner’s survival guide, epiphan video
Coronavirus & simple setups to live stream church services, by Jeff Reed, The Church.Digital
Hymnal streaming, David Maxwell, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
Ask The UMC: How can we livestream worship legally?
One License offers gratis licenses to help cope with COVID-19 challenges, valid through April 15
Techsoup: Nonprofit resources for remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19: Ultimate guide to free video conferencing & collaboration, UC Today
Skype vs Zoom: Which video chat app is best for working from home?
Presbyterian Foundation: Tips for engagement and online giving during worship
Keeping PCUSA Churches Open for Business, John Fong, Digital Discipleship Ministry
Resources for doing church digitally: a NEXT Church response to COVID-19, NEXT Church