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Other Committees & Groups

Anne Penke Fund (APF)

APF, a Tri-Presbytery Committee
Presbyteries of the Redwoods, San Francisco, and San Jose

The purpose of this committee is to allocate annually the earnings of the Anne Penke Memorial Fund to mission projects recommended by and within the bounds of the Presbyteries of San Francisco, San Jose, and the Redwoods

Committee members: Jonelle Chow and Bob Kraut

Self Development of the People (SDOP)

SDOP, a Tri-Presbytery Committee
Presbyteries of the Redwoods, San Francisco, and San Jose

The Self-Development of People program of the Presbyterian Church (USA) offers local and national grants to organizations helping people overcome poverty and oppression. The organizations must be grassroots, operated mostly by the people being helped. Grants are awarded after reviewing a group’s application and visiting to evaluate the organization. The funds for this grant come from our One Great Hour of Sharing offering and are distributed on an ongoing basis.

For more information:

Committee members: Rev. Theresa Chavez Sauceda and Mustapha Baksh

Other Commissions/ Task Forces:

  • Administrative Comission
  • Ecumenical House Campus Ministry
  • Envisioning Teams: Central Region Envisioning Team and Western Region Envisioning Team (WRET)
  • Permanent Judicial Commission
  • Presbytery Leadership Model Task Force
  • Presbytery Engagement Team (PET)
  • Session Records Review Commission
  • Transitional Executive Presbyter Nominating Committee

Our Priorities

Regional Partnerships

Regional Partnerships

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Supporting Congregations

Supporting Congregations

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Nurture Ministers

Nurture Ministers

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New Worshipping Communities

New Worshipping Communities

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