Resources and Prayer for Peace in Israel and Palestine »
welcome to sf presbytery

Our Mission

To Celebrate, Nurture and Serve our communities, by our life together in Christ.







Our Priorities

Supporting Congregations

Supporting Congregations

Take a leadership role in working with churches that are struggling and facilitate new intentionality in their mission. Read more »

Nurture Ministers

Nurture Ministers

Nurture relationships with and among teaching elders as they serve in their diverse ministries. Read more »

New Worshiping  Communities

New Worshiping Communities

Equip the leadership in congregations to incubate new ministries that help people become growing, vital disciples. Read more »

Regional Partnerships

Regional Partnerships

Equip congregations to more effectively engage the challenges affecting their communities through regional missional partnerships. Read more »

Matthew 25

As a Matthew 25 Presbytery, we join with other Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations, presbyteries, and synods in our commitment to:

  • build congregational vitality,
  • dismantle structural racism, and
  • eradicate systemic poverty.

These principles influence decisions around our priorities, our budget, and our relationship with God, creation, and each other. For we strive to be a Presbytery that when people talk about us they say, “for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Matthew 25:35-36

EVENTS View Calender

October 2024

Oct 22

Staff Meeting
Meetings Working Group: [MWG] Planning Meeting (November)

Oct 28

Truth Commission Assessing Race Equity (T-CARE): Monthly Meeting

Oct 29

Staff Meeting

Oct 30

Mission & Vision Leadership Committee (MVL): Meeting

UPDATES View all

Newsletter: October 2024

Presbytery Greetings: OCTOBER 2024 Newsletter Greeting Friends of the Presbytery of San Francisco, We hope you are well… Read More »

Newsletter: September 2024

Presbytery Greetings: SEPTEMBER 2024 Newsletter Greeting Friends of the Presbytery of San Francisco, We hope you are well… Read More »