PSF Presbytery Resources
- Presbytery of San Francisco By-Laws (September 2018)
- Presbytery of San Francisco-Standing-Rules (Feb 2019)
- PSF-Sexual Misconduct Prevention-Policy & Procedures
- Presbytery of San Francisco Reconciliation & Dismissal Policy
- Self Development of People
- Self Development of People handout
- Pulpit Supply List 2023-02
Dismantling Structural Racism Resources
- White Supremacy Culture: Characteristics
- PSF Dismantling Structural Racism Webpage
- Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy Information
Healing Resources
- PSF Personal Safety and Well-Being of All Policy and Procedures- Approved Feb 09 2021
- Abuse and Neglect Reporting Responsibilities
- Resources from Healing Committee around Clergy Abuse from Cameron House & PC Chinatown
- Creating Safe Ministries: Safe Church Helpline: 866.607.SAFE (7233)
Partnership Resources
Board of Pensions Resources (BoP)
For BoP resources visit website here.
PSF contact at BOP:
The Rev. Christine T. Long, Church Consultant
Serving: Synod of Alaska/Northwest, Synod of the Pacific, and Synod of the Rocky Mountains (MT & WY)
Office: (215) 587-7264 Mobile: (215) 704-7360
Member/Employer Services 800-773-7752 Mon-Fri 8:30-7:00pm EST
The Rev. Christine T. Long, Church Consultant
Serving: Synod of Alaska/Northwest, Synod of the Pacific, and Synod of the Rocky Mountains (MT & WY)
Office: (215) 587-7264 Mobile: (215) 704-7360
Member/Employer Services 800-773-7752 Mon-Fri 8:30-7:00pm EST
- “Board of Pensions Highlights Fall 2021” Newsletter
- Flyer: Calsavers
- Two versions of Benefits That Serve the Church:
- Longer version (with a helpful introduction to the Board, a list of our benefits, and our Theology of Benefits statement)
- Shorter version (one-page summary of our benefits with a helpful key)
Links to other Resources
1001 New Worshiping Communities
The Presbyterian Outlook Magazine
Westminster Woods Retreat Center