An Introduction
Dear Siblings of PSF,
As the newest Executive Partner I want to greet and thank all of you who came to the May 10, 2022 Presbytery meeting and approved me for this position, as well as those who served on the Selection Committee. I look forward to doing the work.
My sense of call for this position is very strong. I was invited to join the Finance & Property Oversight (FPOC) Committee in the Fall of 2020. A few months after Leonard died in August of 2021, I heard the scripture about Moses and the burning bush. Not me, it was easy to say, but I was convicted by Moses’ fear that the people would not follow him. I decided that if the job were advertised, I would fearlessly make myself available. Later a mentor reminded me that this is a pastoral position. The shepherd tends the sheep and they follow her. This position uses all my professional skills, my work in Belfast and my heart’s desire to help the church and to shepherd her people. Less you think I’m too old, my mother worked until she was 81. There is only work and rest and doing the Lord’s work until we are called home.
What kind of leader am I? I am a ‘people and task’ leader, interested in the well-being of the group and interested in getting the job done. I am a problem solver/decision maker. I am collaborative and lead by example. I want to engage as many stakeholders as possible. I answer all emails and return phone calls. Please be in contact if I can help you or your church with mission and church asset issues. Contact me early if you need actions for full Presbytery or Committee approval. Please reach out if you think you can help me with information or resources. or 510.849.4393 ext 303.
Marda Quon Stothers, Partner of Mission & Church Assets