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PSUSA Church Polity – Reformed and Always Reforming

You are invited to participate in PSUSA Church Polity

Rev. Kamal Hassan M. Div., San Francisco Theological Seminary

Kamal has 31 year of ministry experience in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church USA. He is the pastor of Sojourner Truth PC. Kamal is a community organizer and Christian educator whose message is rooted in African-American prophetic tradition.


When:    Thursday and Friday, June 10 and 11 – 7:00 to 9:00 pm
                 Saturday, June 12 – 9:00 to 11:30 am; 1:00 to 3:30 pm

Where:  Zoom Class – Register on the links below:

Cost:      $100 for credit for Commissioned Ruling Elder Candidates

$40 to audit and open to all

Class Description: This is a course on the basics of Presbyterian governance and the guiding principles that inform how congregations in the PCUSA do mission and ministry. It will address contemporary concerns in Church and society. You will also learn how Presbyterian governance is similar to and different from how other Christian denominations are governed.

Pre-Class Reading:
Presbyterian Polity and white privilege: A denomination out of order,” Magdalena I Garcia, February 7, 2017 by The Presbyterian Outlook
Gray, Joan, Spiritual Leadership for Church Officers, A Handbook, Louisville: Geneva Press 2009

Book of Confessions, The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church Part I, Office of the General

Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY, 2016

Book of Order 2017-2019, The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church Part II, Office of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY, 2015

Questions, please contact CRE/CLP Coordinator , 510-828-5596

For a full course description, please download the following PDF.