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Out of The Narrow Place: Collective Exodus from White Supremacy


OUT OF THE NARROW PLACE: Collective Exodus from White Supremacy

We are bound for the promised land of Beloved Community and full aliveness! But we have a long journey ahead of us. Both together and in racial affinity caucuses, we will explore the nature of our bondage to white supremacy, count the costs of a wilderness journey, whet our appetites for freedom and right relationship, and seek the Pillar of Cloud/Fire that will reveal our next steps.

What will happen?

  • You’ll get in touch with your longing for more and deeper life
  • You’ll come to understand how white supremacy is foreclosing possibility in your life
  • You’ll come face to face with the penalties and rewards that keep you bound to white supremacy
  • You’ll chart a path to break free of the narrow place of white supremacy – individually and in your church or ministry


  • Date: Saturday, September 28, 2019
  • Time: 10am – 4pm
  • Location: Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church, Richmond Ca
  • Registration HERE  (Deadline to register EXTENDED  to Weds, September 24, 2019)
  • Event cost: FREE!
  • Lunch: $5.00
  • Contact for questions: Rochelle Shaw


Some FAQ’s shared by the Program:

I understand that people of color might need to get free of white supremacy, but what’s in it for white people?

White supremacy impacts everyone. It affects us very differently depending on our social locations, and its worst effects land on people of color, and most especially Black people because the foundation of white supremacy is anti-Black racism. But white supremacy harms white people, as well. The necessary but over-simplified language of “white privilege” obscures the way that white supremacy constricts the freedom of, stunts the relationships of, and distorts the humanity of white people. We will spend time in separate racial affinity caucuses so that we can explore in more depth the nature of this harm. In short, what’s in it for white people and people of color is the abundant life promised by Jesus.

I have been to so many of these “conversations about racism,” and they are invariably painful for me as a person of color. Why would I want to attend this one?

Most conversations about racism and white supremacy inadvertently put the onus of vulnerability on the people of color in the room, asking of you a great deal of emotional labor that rarely feels worth the effort. In this workshop, we will spend time in separate racial affinity caucuses so that people of color can focus on our own healing and freedom from white supremacy away from the gaze of white onlookers. In addition, the white participants will be bolstered and prepared to hear what we may want to say to them. There will be skillful white allies in the room who will take responsibility for the emotional labor of supporting white people’s growth and transformation as they encounter prophetic condemnation of the system of white supremacy.

In addition, participants will be asked to identify concrete next steps for the transformation of our faith communities and denomination.

For more information please download the event flyer.