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The Transitional Associate Presbyter search is OPEN. Click here to APPLY by January 29th.  |  

University of the Ozarks – Pastoral Study Leave Program

Under this program, each semester two pastors are selected to spend 4-5 days on campus. The visiting pastor can use University resources for personal study time and professional development. The participant will be able to create their own schedule and goals for their time on campus.

First preference is given to a member of a presbytery within the bounds of the Synod of the Sun, but any Ministers of Word and Sacrament within the PC(USA) are encouraged to apply.

For more information and to fill out an application, please download this flyer.

Applications for Fall Semester are due June 30.
Applications for Spring Semester are due October 31.

To be selected, fill out the application and return to:

The Rev. Jeremy Wilhelmi, Chaplain
University of the Ozarks
415 N. College Ave.
Clarksville, AR 72830

or email Jeremy Wilhelmi at .