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Farewell and Blessings

May 17, 2020

Friends in Christ,

In case you have not heard, I’m transitioning to a new ministry. May 15th marked my last official day serving as your Pastor for Mission and Vision. Now I embark on a new venture called Pnuemanaut (LLC). The new creative ministry will focus on writing, filmmaking, and storytelling.

Wow! We have shared a remarkable journey! I’m grateful God called us together for such a time as this. It has been an honor to be part of creating this milestone moment. I feel good that the Presbytery staff and leadership are well equipped to finish this journey (“building the plane”), as I feel empowered to start a new one.

The Pastors and congregations in the our many communities have been inspiring. You show mercy in a world without pity. You make a place for those with nowhere else to go, and nowhere else to turn. Your fierce advocacy for the marginalized manifests the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ. As you have proven, especially during the COVID crisis, you continue accomplish this against all obstacles.

Now, it’s time for me to explore this new vision and continue to define my purpose in God’s kingdom. I’d love to stay connected. Just contact the Presbytery at, and they’ll know how to reach me.

I pray and trust God’s guidance for each of us as we step toward the undiscovered future. May you thrive and your ministry flourish!

Rev. Jeff Hutcheson PhD
Writer, Filmmaker, Storyteller
Pneumanaut (LLC)