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Join Us for PRESBYTERY DAY! Saturday, Sept 26th

Presbytery Day 2020:
The Road From Reflecting, Through Confessing, to Repairing

When: Saturday, September 26th

Time: 10AM – 3 PM with a lunch break 12-1

Where: via ZOOM

Denise Anderson is our keynote speaker this year. She was Co-Moderator of the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and now works as the PC(USA) coordinator for racial and intercultural justice, working in connection with the agency’s Compassion, Peace & Justice and Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries. She also staffed the Special Commission on Racism Truth and Reconciliation. This experience with church-wide examination of racism and the call to reparations is what she will bring to our Presbytery Day as we seek to answer these questions together:

  • “How can we move from talking to walking?”
  • “What will it take for us to trust one another?”
  • “How can we truly journey together?”

This is our 2020 special speaker meeting. All presbyters are encouraged to attend, and all members of Presbytery congregations are warmly invited as well. This is an important conversation as we seek to live out our Matthew 25 commitments.

Presbytery Day Schedule

Register HERE for our ZOOM Presbytery Day.