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Journey Groups goes Virtual

Each year for the past 5 years or so, the Journey Groups team of spiritual directors has begun preparation around this time for a new season of spiritual practice companionship for small groups of minister members and more recently has included CLPs/CREs. These gatherings were offered as seven monthly 4-hour “mini-retreats” with a full retreat in San Damiano at the opening (Sept/Oct) and closing (May/June) of the season.

That was in the good ol’ days. 2020 has challenged us to consider and realize new ways of enacting ministry and self-care.

Beginning in early October, likely the 5th or 12th, Journey Groups goes Virtual.

  • When: 9-month small group commitment (Oct-June).
  • Where: Zoom (no more commuting)
  • How: Opening contemplative chapel (20 min), then break-out rooms for each small group.  Monthly spiritual practices will also be shared. Total time is no more than 2 hours per gathering.
  • Why: This is a ministry to ministers.  It provides a confidential space to unpack that which needs our spiritual attention for healing, discernment, contemplation, lament, gratitude, and thanksgiving.  While we are together in conversation with the Holy Spirit, we savor the intentionality of our longing to grow closer to God in collegial community.

Please join us. Click on the link below to register now through September 30. Please let me know if you have questions. Also, let me know if you would like to encounter the contemplative chapel only.

Register for Journey Groups 2020-21 

I look forward to a new season of Journey Groups with you.

Peace and be well,

Rev. Ruth T West
Spiritual Director, certification in Trauma and Spiritual Care