Week of Action
“To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.” — Proverbs 21:3
“God sends the Church to work for justice in the world: exercising its power for the common good; dealing honestly in personal and public spheres; seeking dignity and freedom for all people…” — Book of Order, W-5.0304
Saturday 8/29: Justice Rally/March
1–4 p.m. EDT — Engage the entire denomination in multi-city actions that call attention to the racial injustice and social uprising happening in our country. This event will be anchored at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville, KY and will include a march for justice. This will be a connectional event and will feature various speakers, music, poets, etc. All are invited to attend and/or watch virtually on the Week of Action webpage and the PC(USA) Facebook. This event will livestream on the PC(USA) Facebook and at the top of this website. The recording of the livestream will be posted here after the event.
11 a.m. PST—The Presbytery of San Francisco will join other Presbyterians from presbyteries across the US to promote and celebrate the Week of Action during August 24-30, 2020. We join together to commit to dismantle racism in all its forms and to be in solidarity with Black Lives in our communities and across the country. On August 29, Presbytery of San Francisco will host a Car-a-Van. We will gather in our automobiles in
2 locations–on the West Bay @ 1st Presbyterian Church San Mateo and in the East Bay @ Presbytery of SF Offices in El Cerrito– and drive through the streets in support of Black Lives. We highly encourage signs that address issues such as police brutality, justice for Breonna Taylor, the militarization of our police forces, voter suppression, support of victims of violence, and many others.
- 11am –We will gather at these two locations
- 11:15am – 11:25am – Words and Prayer by Kamal Hassan
(Join Zoom Meeting link or Call in +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 926 9528 3633) - 11:25am-12pm – Caravan
- 12pm – home bound
For more information about the Car-A-Vans:
- For East Bay Car-A-Van Information
- For West Bay Car-A-Van information
All Day — People are also encouraged to advocate for policies affecting marginalized communities. View the Suggested Policy Action sheet here.