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Transitional Partnership Model Talking Circles in July!

Dear Presbytery of San Francisco,

In reflecting on the work that God has placed in front of our Presbytery, we are constantly reminded what a blessing it is that we are part of a loving community, directed by God, resourced by the Holy Spirit, and walking along the same path as Christ. As King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “it’s better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth.  And if one falls down, the other helps.”  

So today we are reaching out to you because the task we have ahead is not one that can be, or should be done alone. Instead, we believe that transparency, open conversations, listening and asking questions, are key factors in any working relationship, and are attributes we hope to part of our relationship as a Presbytery. As James 1:19 and 22 points out “my dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry… Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” And so this is what we, Mission Vision and Leadership (MVL) and the Partnership Working Group  (PWG) intend to do.

In presenting the Transitional Partnership Model at our last Presbytery meeting on May 12, we recognize that amidst onboarding new co-chairs, responding to the early days of COVID, and processing the loss of our Pastor to the Presbytery that things were a little rushed. So while we made every effort to come to Presbytery with an interim model that would be beneficial for everyone, we also heard that more details needed to be worked out, that there could be more communication about the model and that transparency in regards to the responsibilities and the finances of the model would be appreciated.

In response to these requests we have attached below, the job responsibilities for each of the Transitional Partner positions as well as a summary of the financial model for you to read, pray over, and discuss before the August 25th meeting, and before MVL and PWG land on a final model.

We would  also like to host two Talking Circles at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 20th and Wednesday, July 29th to connect around the Transitional Partner model, dialogue together about what is working with this model, provide clarification, and discern where any missed opportunities might be.

If you would like to be part of these talking circles please register for the ZOOM date you would like to attend:

(Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email, that will include ZOOM meeting invitation.)  We know your time is valuable, and this will help us to honor the time we give, as we gather together.

In creating and refining the Transitional Partnership model, we have continued to uphold the guidelines set by MVL and PWG at their April meetings, regarding fair and sustainable pay, transparency, and accountability. We have also sent  a copy of this information to each of the current Interim Partners (Jennifer Sacramento Streett, Partner for Operations & Presbytery Wide Communications,  Rev. Leonard Nielson, Partner for Finance & Property Assets, Rev. InHo Kim, Partner for Congregational Vitality & Clergy Support)  and have used their feedback to shape the attached positions.

In seeking feedback from the staff, publishing the position information in advance, hosting talking circles, and working collaboratively in teams, we hope to break the pattern of having the Presbytery floor be the first time we communicate with each other. We look forward to communicating with you in the weeks ahead and to having a more informed conversation about the Transitional Partnership Model in August.

In God’s grace,

Rev. Dr. Theresa Cho, Co-chair Mission Vision, and Leadership
Rev. Karen Thistlethwaite, Co-chair Mission Vision, and Leadership
Rev. Monte McClain, Co-chair Personnel Working Group
Rev. Dr. Sarah Reyes, Co-chair Personnel Working Group


Financial Costs for Collaborative Leadership Model

Talking Circle Format

For questions or concerns, please email: