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West Region Gathering- Aug 29th

Hello, the West Region of the Presbytery of San Francisco aka The Wild West!

Our Regional gatherings continue as we develop relationships and work toward cooperative and shared ministry amongst us.

At our May 30th gathering at Lincoln Park/SF, we held a true Open Space process where we began to share our visions and especially our passions. Out of that process we gathered around these 4 passions:

  • Housing/shelter/homelessness (affordable, senior, clergy)
  • Food insecurity
  • Immigration
  • Catch-all but mostly focused on church vitality

Gathering around tables, the groups began to process those passions and collected ideas and shared resources. Below are just some of the ideas that arose from the conversations:

Food:  a gathering of representatives from each of our region’s churches that have Food Pantries, for purpose to share needs, practices and ideas, possible needs that could be funded ($10 grocery cards, etc.)

Housing: a no-interest loan program to assist with rental housing costs, such as first/last month’s rent or security deposits, for those hit with a short-term financial crisis

Immigration: a group that can gather resources, accurate information, and action events for regular dissemination to congregations; and develop a network

Church Strategies:  provide funding for speakers and workshops for our region

We would like to further these passions at our next meeting and discuss next steps in the process. We want and need your energy and ideas in this process.

Our next West Bay Regional Gathering will be held

Wednesday, August 29, 2018
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Dinner provided: $5.00
(Donations for dinner greatly appreciated)

@ First United Presbyterian Church of San Francisco
1740 Sloat Blvd between 34th and 35th Ave.
There should be ample street parking and there is a large parking lot in the shopping center across the street.


Please RSVP to InHo Kim (ikim-at- and Tad Hopp ( thopp84

RSVP is not necessary to attend but helps us in food preparation for the day.

We gather, relying on the Spirit to guide us all into renewal and expansion of ministry in the West Region. See you all at the Wild West Gathering!

Your West Region Planning Team,

Jeffrey Cheifetz   Betty Delaney   Tad Hopp   Linda Lee   InHo Kim